Monday, November 7, 2011

Republicōn Idol

Republicōn Idol, 2011, ink on paper/photograph collage in Photoshop, 8.5 x 8.5;

I'm aware this looks as another dark piece. Another commentary on the state of our world; however, it's really a lot more positive than it might appear at first.
Here, the world itself is part of the farce. Like a fantastic film, or a great book, you become involved in the plot; the more outlandish the situations protagonists find themselves in, the more relieved we become it wasn’t us. When it’s done, we walk away feeling better about ourselves. 
This piece is a small stab at that idea. I was uncertain as how to present all that without being to "political." I decided to counterbalance the strong message with a cartoonish style. For me, all of it came together in a form of a stage play (hence the strings above the sun and clouds). I couldn't resist couple of bunnies witnessing the whole ordeal; also the connection from bunnies to Easter, to Jesus, to the crucifixion on the hill was to great to pass up. I also left another piece of the puzzle with the briefcase. Who does it belong to? Does it belong to the man in a suite or to the man on the cross. Is the crucified man one the them? 
I was really pleased with the background. Used a photograph, and applied some digital magic. Also I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the highly artistic background and simple, almost minimal foreground.

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