Monday, February 20, 2012


Saku, 2012, acrylic on canvas/India ink, 40 x 40;

This painting represents something of a departure in my painting style. Although I have created several abstract paintings before, here we can see a new style emerging. At a first glance the picture seems very simple and quick, almost like an accident. However, much thought went into composition, focal point, color choice, etc. The look and the feel this painting would convey was carefully planned.

Essentially this painting is about newer giving up. As long as their is heart, we need to keep up the good fight. Even in a face of adversity (such as the painting’s background), there is always hope. Hope or rebirth is represented by hints of green. In the center of it all we find a heart. 

The following are some details from the painting.


Anonymous said...

Ooooo! This is such a jump in sophistication. In person the hidden spring green is a beautiful clue one sees after some contemplation of this piece. Congratulations.

harada57 said...
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