Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Dimensions Of Ski Will

The Dimensions Of Ski Will, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40; 

A dear friend graduated recently and this painting was her gift. A few months ago she saw a practice canvas, tucked behind other “rejects” and was really taken by it. Essentially, it was just a very dark background with few cadmium reds and yellows on each side. She had such a positive reaction, I decided to work around that initial image for her gift.
The idea came to me of improving ourselves. We go to school, bettering ourselves, learning all there is to learn. We continue to build on top of what nature gave us.
The natural, organic elements are the red and yellow shapes framing the painting. These represent the nature’s building blocks. Also found at the bottom is a small green storage cubby, a symbol for occasional failure. This process of building is a delicate one, and we cannot have one without the other. Faint purple hints are representations of other external elements, something foreign.
On top of that are loosely painted white lines. These represent blueprints, foundations of what we are trying to build with improvement. Finally, there are a few precise silver lines, which are the final achievement. The merging of both worlds, organic and artificial. The best of both worlds in a harmonic dance.

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