Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Self Portrait

Self Portrait, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 8 x 10;

As an artist, I have been trying to achieve two major elements in art: aestheticism and content. Not sacrificing an overall idea for the visual prettiness has at times proven to be difficult. Still, I have been told my art is at time hard to access. 
Even high symbolism and lofty ideas need to step aside every one in a while. 
As a part of a school project, we were required to create a self portrait.
What became apparent quickly, I would have to treat this subject lightly, and with humor. I composed this portrait which hopefully conveys many different emotions: humor, emotion, apprehension, and anxiety.

I was experimenting with an old technique which I have never used before, called glazing. In this process layers of each color are applied, and whipped away where not needed.

As seen in these images, the painting changed dramatically with each new layer. Final images seemed so distant form the first layout.

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